Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ode to the Windy Ride

Friday January 23, 2015

I knew that the weather folks were predicting rain for Saturday so I decided to venture out on my own despite the wind gusts of 25 mph.

Here is my ode to that windy ride

What's a windy ride you say?
Isn't like some other days?
This one was like no other
I felt like I would be smothered like a mother ( in the wind)
25 mph gusts
Would give me some thrusts
To the end of the ride
But would hinder me as well
Oh isn't that swell?

Not, I say
It isn't like any other day
Started to make up a rhyme
To pass the time
OLPH sings songs in her head
To quiet the dread
Of that nasty wind

I was starting to suffer
Since there was no buffer
For my legs
That were starting to beg
For the end of the ride

The winds were from the south
You can just imagine what was coming out of my mouth!
It's only when I turned back
That the wind cut me some slack

Heading north there was the buffer
So that I didn't have suffer
And gave me the rest
Oh that was the best!

Home at last
It did come kinda fast
36 miles....that felt good
Just need some food!

This ode dedicated to OLPH ( Our Lady of the Perpetual Headwinds)

One final comment.  When I stopped at Dunkin Donuts I was treated to a joke that you might appreciate

Why can't a bike stand up on its own?
Because it's two tired!

With that more to come in the next blog post after riding with AL Porter to South Beach and Key Biscayne non Tuesday

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